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How To Find Us

Yoga Place Abertawe is in the beautiful surroundings of the old St. Johns Church.

High Street Clydach, the Mond end of the High St. 

Swansea SA6 5LN

There are a few churches in Clydach so easy to get lost, but… we are also easy to find once you know roughly where we are. We are the Mond end of the High Street, same side as the CO OP (easy for parking) and only a short walk / shorter drive from there heading in the Ponty direction not the Ynystawe direction.

There is a pub across the road called the Village Tavern and we are set back in the grounds of the church.

There is parking for 6 cars directly outside. Though parking is really good in this area with lots of options, including the Doctors just opposite the CO OP, as well as on street parking too.

All Booking & all enquiries: 07595 894 666 Call/Text/Whatsapp


INSTAGRAM: @yogaplaceabertawe

When Parking: Though there is parking for a few cars in the church grounds, please park mindfully, making sure you park fully on the left or right sides and not in the middle or blocking the gates

Yoga Place Abertawe

Yoga Place Abertawe

